The following questions are generated from the past 12 years. You can email me if you don't see your question answered below.
What exactly is Bruce Funds?
Bruce Funds is a concept. Bruce Funds is a community of Springsteen fans who like to pay it forward. Bruce Funds is a chance to give without expecting anything in return. Bruce Funds is an initiative of spiritual, soul-driven investment in Springsteen fans around the world. If you believe in the philosophy that "nobody wins unless everybody wins," then you will probably understand what Bruce Funds is about. Bruce Funds is run by one person who donates all of her time and all of the costs of maintaining this website.
NOTE: Bruce Funds is not a business. Bruce Funds is not a registered charity.
Why is it called Bruce Funds if it is tickets you give away?
In 2012, I named it Bruce Funds because during the Wrecking Ball tour people were saying they "didn't have the funds to see Bruce." And a small group of people would crowdsource (just like gofundme without the gofundme) funds to purchase someone a ticket. This concept is still at the core of what Bruce Funds is about. I am not collecting money to buy tickets for fans; hopefully you are! I'm helping fans feel inspired to buy and give tickets to each other. I'm finding fans who need assistance getting to a show. At least, that's what I wake up trying to do most days of the tour. So, if you see a campaign posted and you'd like to help, share the campaign with your friends and family and your social media followers and raise the "Bruce Funds" and then purchase tickets. Once you've completed that, contact me to donate the tickets to the recipient in need.
What do I need to be a recipient of Bruce Funds?
To receive tickets, you will likely need a free Ticketmaster account to transfer ownership of tickets to you. Ideally, as a recipient, you are also on social media so that I can share your story to raise money and raise awareness. Also, I ask that you be receptive to the idea that if the community helped you, then some day in the future, the community will likely need your help in return. Bruce Funds is only as successful as our last completed campaign. There are always several campaigns ahead of us. Giving back, paying it forward, never has to be the same exact amount or same exact gesture as one you have received. For example, donating your time and energy to sharing about Bruce Funds is equally important to someone's ticket donation. It is important that you give what you can, when you can. And always, remember to take care of yourself first, before helping to take care of others. If and when you can, do help us take care of others because that is what the community of Bruce Funds is all about. Nobody wins unless everybody wins.
Is there an age requirement to be a recipient or a donor?
I am so happy to see another generation loving Springsteen, and even happier to see kids understanding the importance of community. A recipient must be old enough to be considered an adult. Ticketmaster does not say how old you have to be to purchase tickets from them, but you have to be 18 to have a credit card. Based on that standard guideline, I have established that if you are under 18, regardless of your country of residence, I will also need your guardian to communicate with me. I think it sounds like a positive experience for you both to have together.
Can I donate tickets for a specific concert or city?
I have no way to predict who will contact Bruce Funds for help. The concept of paying it forward is to help where help is needed at the time, believing in the reciprocal process that the help will come back to you when needed. It's working well so far, although I'd love to see more recipients giving back. The best way to know you’re helping someone in your home town or state, is to nominate someone in need. Essentially, take care of your own. The responsibility to find someone in need does not rest solely on me. The responsibility is shared on the shoulders of anyone who chooses to be involved. Be on the lookout for fans in need. Keep your eyes and ears open. Communicate with other Bruce friends. Use the power of social media for good. Be open to your neighbors, coworkers, and friends of friends. Get in touch with your local food bank, veterans center, hospital, or school. You never know what good might happen from expanding your circle.
How do you find fans who need help?
Mostly Bruce Funds relies upon the fan community. If you know someone who hasn’t been to a show since 2016 or earlier due to financial, health, or family burdens, those people are our 1st priority to help and I encourage you to nominate them. Someone who has seen 5 or 6 shows in 2023/24 probably does not need our assistance. (In fact, it would be great if they wanted to donate a little, wouldn't it?)
Who decides which fans to help?
I do, and only I do, as the founder of Bruce Funds. There is no committee and this is not a voting democracy. This is not a charity and there is no board of directors. As sole creator, I bear all of the responsibility, and therefore, I also bear all of the authority. I have a long list of references should you wish to verify that I do not give tickets to my friends and family. Remember, you could always donate tickets yourself to your local shelter or hospital; you don't need me to make it happen.
What factors determine who you help?
Since January 2012, who becomes a Bruce Funds' recipient depends upon meeting the following criteria: 1st Criteria: Fans who have never attended a Springsteen show or missed the previous tour. 2nd Criteria: Fans who meet the 1st criteria are given additional consideration regarding any temporary or long-term financial, medical, or personal difficulties. Rare Exceptions: If tickets are donated and I cannot locate fans who match the 1st and 2nd criteria, I cannot place the tickets with local veterans, fire fighters, or food shelter workers, then fans who have already seen a show recently will be asked and considered based on the above-mentioned criteria. If you fall into this category of fan, your odds are slim, and it would be great if you would help me find another deserving fan instead.
How do you trust people?
Such an interesting question. Probably the same way you trust people.
How do you tell if people are lying?
I have a finely-tuned, state-of-the-art bullshit detector. I stick to facts and avoid emotions. How do YOU tell if people are lying?
Is my donation tax-deductible?
No, your donation is not tax-deductible. This is a community, not a charity. Donations are given without expecting anything tangible in return, but you will always have an intangible feeling that you've helped someone have their own "life right now" experience at a Springsteen show.
Why isn't Bruce Funds a charity?
Bruce Funds isn't a charity because non-profits need boards of directors, and that is a lot of hassle for something that does not have a function when there isn't a tour on. Bruce Funds is a community that grew as the result of my personal dreams and efforts. Although I still remain the sole individual for all final decisions and responsibilities at Bruce Funds, I didn't want to earn money from it. Of course, your opinion, ideas, and suggestions are welcomed. The community cannot exist without everyone's participation, so absolutely - be inspired; be involved.
What happens to the money I donate?
100% of any money donated goes to help a fan to experience a stress-free night out that they only dreamed was possible. Assistance with child care on the night of the show, transportation costs or the cost of venue parking. I do not personally have a pot of gold, though I have wished for one many times. This means that 100% of my time is donated. Bruce Funds is my idea, and I am 100% invested blood, sweat, and tears. By the way, running this website in 2023 cost me nearly $1,000.
How do you know the recipient won’t sell your tickets?
That's an interesting question. How do you know they will? I don’t know any more than you do, but selling tickets you were given for free is not in the spirit of the community at all. I’d rather see Springsteen fans helping other Springsteen fans. Fans getting burned is the worst offense, and I want no part of it.
Answers in the FAQ using the words - I, my, or me - represent the Bruce Funds founder's opinion only. The words - we, our, or us - represent the community of donors and supporters as a whole.
DISCLAIMER - Bruce Funds is not a charity; we're a community of fans around the world. Bruce Funds does not buy your tickets. (I can help someone offset the cost of their ticket purchase.) Bruce Funds does not sell tickets. Bruce Funds does not support purchasing live event tickets via any 3rd party reseller agent for anything priced above face value. Bruce Funds is not in any way associated with Mr. Bruce Springsteen or his management team. Bruce Funds is not employed by nor officially associated with SiriusXM or E Street Radio. Bruce Funds is not here to place judgement on your need for tickets, providing it is a legitimate need. (For example, seeking assistance to purchase your 4th ticket to the tour will not be considered legitimate and you may be privately judged as someone who should be donating instead, but we won't call you out on it.) Finally, Bruce Funds does not siphon your Springsteen knowledge nor your personal, private information for sale to any 3rd party.