Participate in Bruce Funds

The best thing you can do is talk about it!

Not everyone has extra tickets to donate. And some of you have asked for other ways to show support.

Since 2012, I've offered some merch items I like to call "Conversation Starters." They don't generate any funding really (approximately $2-4 an item) because I would much rather you share about the initiative to help others than pocketing your $50.

Visit the Bruce Funds storefront on Teepublic.

LIVE NATION won't allow me to use certain words or phrases even first names, but in terms of representing Bruce Funds, these items are 100% bonafide because I designed the layouts myself (with the exception of the original 2012 E Street Nation design). Mugs, totes, t-shirts, baby onesies, stickers, pillows, blankets, hoodies, and long sleeve shirts.

So if you'd like to support Bruce Funds, please do start a conversation about Bruce Funds. Thank you!

Let Your Creativity Shine

Supporters have also become creative in their own efforts to support Bruce Funds. Everything from collecting change in a beer line to making their own merch and donating the proceeds over the years has absolutely helped make this community unique and facilitate many fans to attend a show. Whatever you'd like to do to support Bruce Funds, go ahead and do it as long as you're promoting the initiative's philosophy of paying it forward to other Springsteen fans without expecting anything in return. Please don't act as a representative of Bruce Funds without asking me first so we're on the same page. 
Thank you.

Email your idea or suggestion.

Supportive Friends of Bruce Funds

I often say I would be doing this even if no one helped me. While that may be factually accurate and how I started out 12 years ago, an equally accurate fact is never far from my heart and mind as well; I'd be unable to reach as far and wide across the world without the support of many. We're close to 2,000 placed tickets now and that feels amazing.

I'm certain this list below will grow, and that is a beautiful hope, so please do visit and support these friends who are listed below.

N.B. Goods - 2023 #1 Bruce Funds Donor

Camille, the owner of N.B Goods was the 2023 tour's leading Bruce Funds ticket donor. She is the creator of the one and only, accept no substitutes, trucker cap: the United States vs. Bruce Springsteen.

You have to hear the story of how she imagined that cap and how it came to be so popular. I'm humbled by her support, and proud to stand shoulder to shoulder in helping others. Not only is she a creative force for good, she's also lifting the voices of others and sharing stories on a podcast called Make Your Own Luck.

Her shop offers quality everything in all their products, including custom work. I don't usually look good in hats, but this one is special. See...? Treat yourself to one, they come in all colors. I'm toasting to her with tequila, naturally.

DISCLAIMER - Bruce Funds is not a charity; we're a community of fans around the world. Bruce Funds does not buy your tickets. (I can help someone offset the cost of their ticket purchase.) Bruce Funds does not sell tickets. Bruce Funds does not support purchasing live event tickets via any 3rd party reseller agent for anything priced above face value. Bruce Funds is not in any way associated with Mr. Bruce Springsteen or his management team. Bruce Funds is not employed by nor officially associated with SiriusXM or E Street Radio. Bruce Funds is not here to place judgement on your need for tickets, providing it is a legitimate need. (For example, seeking assistance to purchase your 4th ticket to the tour will not be considered legitimate and you may be privately judged as someone who should be donating instead, but we won't call you out on it.) Finally, Bruce Funds does not siphon your Springsteen knowledge nor your personal, private information for sale to any 3rd party.